You can call us on 0191 3778227 between 1000 – 1600 hours Monday to Friday. Our hearing has been known to become less reliable when Test Match Special is on, so if we don’t get there in time please leave a message and we’ll get back to you post-haste.
You can also send an email to us at mail@savvyrow.co.uk. We usually answer emails every day, Monday to Friday, at around 1000, 1230 and again at 1500.
Visit us by appointment
Following the move to our own premises we are now able to offer a limited number of appointments for chaps who may find it convenient to visit 'Savvy HQ'. One hour appointments are available between 10am to 3pm each Friday, and must be booked in advance.
Savvy Row
The Old Goods Yard
Commercial Road West
Please note: We’re not usually around on Saturdays or Sundays – weekends are reserved for family (and roast rib of beef, if takings have been suitably spectacular!).